How to protect your land in uganda  : Land has become extremely expensive in Uganda today and this is due to different factors that include high rate of population growth, economic through among others. With this many have resorted to unrealistic and fraudulent means of survival and these are not only limited to others but also land fraudulent sales and purchases.

In this article  is taking you through different means in which you can keep and protect your land from any fraudulent tendencies that might see you lose your valuable property.

  • Ensure you transfer your land and register yourself as the proprietor as soon as possible. It is also important to note that Uganda uses the ‘Torren System’ of land registration of titles and this system covers private mailo land and freehold. Customary land tenure follows the Land Act.

The Torrens system emphasises registration and an instrument conferring title is not effective until it is registered. Therefore, transfer of the land is not at the stage of executing the sale agreement or by paying the purchase price, it is by registering the transfer forms at the Ministry of Lands.

After all the above steps thereafter, you acquire all the protection and rights as per the Registration of Titles Act which stipulates that the certificate of title shall be conclusive evidence of all the proprietor is possesses of the estate described thereon.

uganda land titles

  • It is advisable to always register a caveat as soon as you are informed of any dispute on the land you are purchasing. For instance, if you paid a deposit on the land intending to buy, paid full purchase price but the title is still being processed either under the subdivision stage or otherwise.

This is the urgent step that should be taken in order to keep your interest valid. The caveat is in the form of swearing an affidavit where you state what type of interest you have in the land.

  • Personal caveat is also a way of protecting your land and also protecting your interest on land. also advises its clients to register personal caveats on their land and especially for our clients in diaspora. Largely a caveat ensures that no transfer, subdivision, mortgage or transaction affecting your rights as a registered proprietor can be carried out without your consent.
  • Personal land can also be protected by ensuring there is a given economic activity taking place. This can be done by getting a trusted relative or third party to take care of the piece of land by carrying out economic activities on this very land. This also applies much to our clients in the diaspora because it shifts the liability to the entrusted personnel incase of any unrealistic or fraudulent tendencies on the given piece of land.
  • Leasing out land can also be considered a way of protecting someone’s interest on land. This is not so common among measures of protecting land but our experts consider it a way because in a scenario where one has junks of land that are not being used and also hard to monitor, leasing out some for a known given period of time can be considered a way of protecting it and at the same time earning something from it.

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